Meet the artist.

When it comes to the landscape of artistic expression, Kir stands as a testament to the power of curiosity and creative versatility. Born August 1984 in Queens, New York early on in his creative journey, it was evident that Kir possessed a strong desire to learn and refused to be confined to a singular medium. Architecture is in his blood and design, construction and illustration are inherently a part of him. A driving force behind Kir’s work is taking an intangible idea and manifesting it into an actual, physical piece of art. Color in Kir’s art is a powerful tool that goes beyond mere aesthetics, it’s an integral part of the purpose and impact of his art.

Kir is a painter, muralist, sculptor, illustrator, graphic designer and screen printer. The artisan/ craftsman also works with mixed media sculptures made of found materials such as wood, metal and glass. He discovered a profound connection to art through self-guided exploration and self-taught experimentation. He’s an artist who is committed to pushing boundaries and embracing the unexpected.  

The dynamic connection between music and visual expression lies in the way they can complement and influence each other. The emotional tone, tempo, and mood shapes Kir’s creative process. This interplay between sound and sight enhances the overall artistic experience and helps Kir enter a focused and immersive state and is a source of motivation while working on his creations.

Kir hopes to own his own creative complex that will serve as a gallery, paint and merch shop. It will be an open and active space where he will produce his work in real time. It’ll also include a garden and everything else that inspires the artist. He also wants to showcase his work at more Comic Cons worldwide!

Kir looks forward to exploring new mediums, collaborating with fellow creatives, and sharing a narrative through an expanding body of work. He is never short of ideas or chances to challenge himself; he is an ever-evolving, ever-expanding artist.

The world has become Kir's canvas and he invites you to join his visual adventure, where self-taught passion meets boundless imagination; and where the impossible becomes possible through his art.

“Make a list of everything you want, then spend the next 25 years of your life acquiring it piece by piece.” 

- Kir